Monday, June 22, 2009

Lime Trees in Bloom...

Lime trees in Munich are in full bloom now and the wind carries their perfume everywhere. It arrives in little clouds full of scent even on my balcony on the 13th floor. How I love this scent! It is heavy, sometimes nearly austere because it is so strong.

I wonder how often people look at these trees which are so common here and really appreciate this lovely smell and their beautiful little blossoms. They ARE beautiful, hanging in real clusters from their stems, each of them carrying a little crown made of filaments...

"Tilia" (Malvaceae)
lime tree, Linde

daily photos from Munich, photography by Petra Voegtle

1 comment:

  1. Yes, they are beautiful and a bit unique, Petra. I've never seen them here...

    You have a real eye for the beauty around you. :)
