Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Tulip Blooms in red, yellow, purple...

Tulips on the fields are always a spectacular view - all those colours which please the eyes and compensate for the long dull months of winter...

"Tulipa" (Liliaceae)
, Tulpen

all photos are from Munich - photographed by Petra Voegtle


  1. So pretty and colourful :-)

    I agree, seeing tulips in bloom after a long winter is so refreshing, and sure to put a smile on your face :-)

    Kelly @ DesignTies

  2. I see we are like-minded, Kelly. That's what I am always yearning for after those terrible dark winter days - that spark of colour!
    And when I am on my photo hunt I get lost in those colours!

  3. What a gorgeous display, Petra! Lovely photos....

    Now I have to go look for your water shots. I agree: we do seem to be like-minded with what appeals to our eye(s)!
