Wednesday, April 22, 2009

More Blossoms of Cherries in pink...

I simply cannot stop to photograph them - the time while you can enjoy them is simply much too short...

All photos are from Munich - photography by Petra Voegtle


  1. AH, Petra! So gorgeous! You and I are so like-minded about these blossom shots. The light in the top one is especially amazing!!! Like heaven shining through.

    Thanks for that link you gave me. Will check it out!

    My best regards to you.


  2. Ha - thank you Lynda! It's really a hard thing to choose from all those lovely photos you can take these days. I just never stop being amazed about what treasures mother nature presents us as a gift.
    Whenever I leave the house I never go out without the camera - you never know what beauties you find on the way....
    Warm regards back to you!
