Thursday, September 25, 2008

Here comes the Sun...

My viewers are often telling me that my photos make them smile - and this makes ME very happy and lets me smile. And you know what - each time I see a sunflower it makes me smile also - I swear each time...

"Helianthus" (Asteraceae)
sunflower, Sonnenblume


  1. Oh yes these made me smile too Petra - a lovely dose of sunshine on a dull English morning! Thanks for sharing :0)

  2. Hi Kerrie - this is wonderful. And I have to look at it again also - it is awfully dark and dull here in Munich again like in November - disgusting....

  3. Yes. Your photographs make me smile!!

    I've nominated you for an "I love your blog" award. Check out my blog to see how it works:

  4. Jael - geeez - I have totally missed your comment. Thank you so much for this award - this is very sweet. Thank you very much for it. It is the second time this has been awarded to me already...
