Thursday, July 10, 2008

Sending e-cards from a new website

This time I do not show an image from a bloom or blossom but I would like to present a new feature about my work - currently still limited to a couple of my silk paintings - but this will be extended to my bloom and blossoms photography as well.

Clicking on this link will lead you to my gallery of paintings which are promoted on a new website of a company called NovaTerra Galleria and enables you to send beautiful e-cards to whomever you would like to inspire and send a greeting to. You can personalize those cards and add even a stamp of your choice. Big fun to do!

click to send an art-e-card -
click to send an art-e-card - from


  1. I love your photographs. I submitted it to entreview to get it the attention it deserves. If you approve of the submission, go to entreview and cast it a vote. Keep it up.

  2. Hi Petra! I submitted a review of your photographs at stumble upon.

  3. Grandma Julia,
    this is very kind of you - thank you!
    Warm greetings, Petra
